Why Study Classics?

Or, what can I do with a degree in Classical Studies, Greek, or Latin?

If you say that you are thinking of majoring in Classical Studies, Greek, or Latin, no doubt your parents, other relatives, and friends have asked you this question – and it is a fair question to ask in the 21st century. How does our discipline prepare you for the future, especially if in your future, you don’t envision yourself as a Latin teacher or going to graduate school in classics? How will this degree help you pursue non-classical and non-academic goals?

Classical Studies introduces students to ancient cultures that are both familiar and foreign through study of their languages, literatures, history, art, and archaeology. Students who choose to learn ancient Greek and/or Latin are trained in grammar and textual analysis, and as a result, they develop strong writing and communication skills. Classical studies majors, who focus on history, art, archaeology, literature in translation, and other culture courses, learn a variety of research methods, including how to observe, describe, and analyze objects and how think critically about evidence and arguments.

For information on our majors/minors, please see our Undergraduate Program page.

To learn more on careers

Careers for Classicists, a publication of the Society for Classical Studies: https://classicalstudies.org/education/careers-for-classicists

See in particular, the section on undergraduate degrees in the Classics: https://classicalstudies.org/education/careers-for-classicists/an-undergraduate-degree-in-the-classics

Two short articles from Psychology Today on non-classics careers for classicists by Katharine Brooks, author of You Majored in What? Mapping Your Path from Chaos to Career (Plume, 2010):

  1. “Classics Majors Find Their Future in the Past: What can you do with a Classics major?” (https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/career-transitions/201003/classics-majors-find-their-future-in-the-past)
  2. “Branding and Marketing the Classics Major: Plato Meets What Color Is Your Parachute?” (https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/career-transitions/201003/branding-and-marketing-the-classics-major)

Best and Worst Liberal Arts Majors for Your Career By Stacy Rapacon, Online Editor | March 14, 2019: https://www.kiplinger.com/slideshow/college/t012-s001-best-and-worst-liberal-arts-majors-for-your-career/index.html

Career Advice for Graduate Students (and others) - Careers for Classicists: Graduate Student Edition - Catherine Connors, Keely Lake, John Paulas, and Kenneth Kitchell Jr.: https://classicalstudies.org/career-advice-graduate-students-and-others