Fridays at Newcomb – Friday, April 6, 2018
Professor Emilia Oddo presented the findings and preliminary results from the first study season of the pottery at the House of the Frescoes in Knossos, Crete. Chelsea Morgan and Francesca Luria, graduating seniors who joined the research team, shared their experiences commenting that this past study season further cultivated their career interests and cultural growth. Chelsea Morgan will rejoin Professor Oddo for this upcoming second season. Thanks to the wonderful research completed by the team in the first season and the contributions make by Newcomb College Institute in support of this study, Professor Emilia Oddo will be able to return to the House of the Frescoes to conduct more focused analyses on the pottery from the building as well as direct the cleaning of its architectural remains.
(photo credit: Taylor Murrow)
(photo credit: Taylor Murrow)