Ph.D. Harvard University, Classical Archaeology
M.A. Harvard University, Classical Archaeology
M.A. University of Virginia, English Literature
A.B. Mount Holyoke College, English Literature
Regular Member, American School of Classical Studies, Athens
Courses in Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies, Boston College
- Greek Art and Archaeology (lecture)
- Roman Art and Archaeology (lecture)
- Aegean Bronze Age (lecture)
- Egyptian & Near Eastern Art and Archaeology (lecture)
- Egypt under the Pharaohs (lecture)
- Despots and Democrats (honors seminar on sixth- and fifth-century Athens)
- The Athenian Akropolis (seminar)
- Greek Vase Painting (seminar on Attic black-figure and red-figure)
- The Minoan Civilization of Crete (seminar)
- Bronze Age Greece: The Mycenaeans (seminar)
- Sex, Love, and Socrates (freshman writing seminar). F 98, F 99, F 01, F 02, F 03
- Major Monuments of Greek Sculpture (seminar). S 02
- Latin 101 and 102
- Greek 101, 102, and 203
- Intensive Greek 100-204
- Greek 405/605: Plato’s Republic (seminar)
- Greek 606: Herodotos (seminar)
- Greek 307/609: Homer (seminar)
- Greek 605: Plato’s Republic and Greek Prose Composition (seminar)
- Greek 611: Greek Orators (seminar)
- Greek 607: Lyric Poetry (seminar)
- Art History Survey (one-semester survey of all periods)
- Art Survey I (paleolithic through medieval)
- The History and Practice of Archaeology (Wheaton College)
- Roman History (Republic and Empire, Wheaton College)
- Greek A and B (beginning Greek, Harvard University)
- Sophomore Tutorial in Greek (Harvard University)
- Periclean Athens (as section leader, Harvard University)