Teaching Posts
1998-1999 | Assistant Professor, Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies, Rome |
1999-2000 | Acting Assistant Professor, Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, VA (now Randolph College) |
2000-2003 | Visiting Assistant Professor, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA |
2003-2008 | Assistant Professor, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA |
2008-Present | Associate Professor, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA |
2011-2012 | Faculty Scholar, Center for Public Service, Tulane University |
2011-2013 | Director, Classical Summer School, American Academy in Rome (Italy) |
Administrative Posts
2011-2014 | Assistant Director for Classroom Engagement, Center for Engaged Learning & Teaching, Tulane University |
2014-2018 | Executive Director, CELT |
2018-2021 | Department Chair, Classical Studies |
Recent Grants & Awards
1991-1992 | Fulbright Grant: Rome, Italy |
1994-1996 | Rome Prize Fellowship (Frank Brown-Samuel H. Kress Foundation), American Academy in Rome (Italy) |
2003 | Friedrich Stoll Grant, Tulane University |
2004 | COR Grant, Tulane University |
2005 | Franklin Research Grant, American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, PA |
2006-2007 | Tulane University Research Enhancement Grant |
2015 | Freidrich Stoll Grant, Tulane University |
2015 | Lurcy Grant, School of Liberal Arts, Tulane University |
2016 | Samuel H. Kress Grant for Research and Publication in Classical Art and Architecture, Archaeological Institute of America |
2016 | Lurcy Grant, School of Liberal Arts, Tulane University |
2017 | Lavin Bernick Grant, Tulane University |
2017 | Lurcy Grant, School of Liberal Arts, Tulane University |
Creating Severan Rome: The Architecture and Self-Image of L. Septimius Severus. Collection Latomus, v. 345. Bruxelles, 2014. (https://doi.org/10.1017/S0009840X15001626)
“Julia Domna's Coinage and Severan Dynastic Propaganda," Latomus 54 (1995) 119-140.
"The Septizodium in Rome: A Political Image in Monumental Style." In Casey, J., Warnement, M., Whelton, J. & Wingenter, A. (eds.), Layfayette, IN, Bordighera Press (2000): 201-15.
“Urban Planning and Sculptural Display in Severan Rome: Reconstructing the Septizodium and its Role in Dynastic Politics,” American Journal of Archaeology 108 (2004): 517-544.
“Battle Imagery and Politics on the Severan Arch in the Forum.” In S. Dillon and K. Welch (eds.), Representations of War in Ancient Rome. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2006): 272-299. (on Amazon)
"Redating the Septizodium and Severan Propaganda." In Mattusch, C., Donohue, A. & Brauer, A. (eds.), Common Ground: Archaeology, Art, Science, and Humanities (Proceedings of the XVIth International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Boston, August 23-26, 2003). Oxford, Oxbow Books (2006): 196-9. (at David Brown Book Co.)
"Pompeii on the Mississippi: the view from New Orleans." In Traumatology 14.4 (2008): 67-74 (special issue on Hurricane Katrina).
Articles for Wiley-Blackwell’s Encyclopedia of Ancient History (Editors: R. Bagnall, K. Brodersen, C. Champion, A. Erskine, & S. Hübner): Rome, Severan and third century; Septimius Severus Pertinax Augustus, Lucius ; Didius Severus Julianus Augustus, Marcus; Opellius Antoninus Diadumenianus Augustus, Marcus; Clodius Albinus, Decimus; Fulvius Plautianus, Gaius; and Julia Domna
In the News...
Article in The New Wave on TIDE course, Loot, Plunder & Pillage
Archaeology of Italy and the Roman Empire; Roman material culture and civilization; politics and propaganda in art and architecture; urban topography and monuments of Rome; monumentality in ancient art and architecture
- CLAS 3120 Etruscans and Early Rome
- CLAS 3180 Roman Art and Archaeology
- CLAS 3190 Pompeii: Life in the Roman Town
- CLAS 4200/6200 Monuments of Ancient Rome
- CLAS 4220/6200 Roman Sculpture in Context; Ancient Paintings & Mosaics