“(Re)Creating the Roman Army of the (2)1st Century AD” by Jonathan Zarecki (April 2023)

The Classics Club sponsored by The Department of Classical Studies at Tulane University presents “(Re)Creating the Roman Army of the (2)1st Century AD” by Jonathan Zarecki (University of North Carolina at Greensboro).

Date ~ Thursday, April 13, 2023

Time ~ 5PM

Location ~ Jones 204

A first-person account of what happens when a modern academic decides to join the Roman legions and a conversation about the value of engaging in experiential archaeology and living history in combination with the study of literary and archaeological evidence for advancing our knowledge of the life of Roman soldiers, particularly in the reconstruction of armor, the physicality and training of the Roman soldier, and the technical nature of Roman warfare.

Tulane University is committed to providing universal access to all our events. Please contact Elizabeth M Reyna (ereyna@tulane.edu, 504-865-5719) the event organizer for accessibility accommodations. Please note that advance notice is necessary to arrange some accessibility needs.

Lecture advertising poster with details and a headshot of speaker