When are applications due? 
All application materials must be submitted by January 10.

Can I apply directly to the PhD program if I don't have an MA?
Yes. The MA degree is earned as part of a student's satisfactory progress toward the PhD. If your intention is to earn a PhD in History, then you should apply to the PhD program. Please note that we do not offer a terminal MA degree outside of the 4+1 program.

Do I need to have a BA or MA degree in History?
No. Students with a variety of backgrounds can excel in our program. An applicant's statement of purpose and writing sample, however, should demonstrate the qualities of critical thinking and argumentation that are at the heart of historical analysis.

Do I need to take the GRE? 
No, you do not need to take the GRE or report scores.

Do I need to take the TOEFL or IELTS?
Applicants who are not US citizens or not from a country where English is the primary language must take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS).

Can I apply to be a part-time PhD student?
No. All students are admitted on fellowship and are required to be full-time students.

Do you allow Spring admissions? 
No. The structure of our program, as well as the importance of cohort formation, requires that all admitted students start in the Fall.

How many students are admitted each year? 
Our program is highly selective. We admit between 4 and 8 students annually.

What kind of financial support does the History program offer?
All PhD students accepted in the program are fully funded for five years (during the first three years students are expected to complete coursework and all requirements for achieving ABD status). Funding typically comes in the form of a university stipend that is paid over a twelve-month period. Funding also includes a tuition waiver from the School of Liberal Arts, but please note that this waiver does not cover student fees. Please refer to the Graduate School’s website for current information on fees. During the 2023-24 academic year, graduate student stipends totaled $25,000. Students are reviewed annually and must remain in good standing to continue on stipend.

What kind of service does the program require?
Graduate students are expected to provide six semesters of service. This is normally completed through five semesters of service as a Teaching or Research Assistant and one semester of serving as a Departmental Instructor. However, this will vary according to Departmental need, and although we make every effort to offer students the opportunity to teach their own courses as advanced graduate students, we can not always accommodate such positions. Students do not have any service obligations during their first semester in the program.

Is there summer support?
In addition to the regular stipend, which is provided on a 12-month basis, the Department of History offers competitive summer research grants. Summer funding is also available from other University sources.

Does Tulane University offer health insurance for graduate students?
All graduate students are required to carry health insurance, either through the Tulane plan or privately. The current (2023-24) cost of the Tulane plan is $3302 (billed in two installments of $1651). The School of Liberal Arts currently covers half of the premium for graduate students in its programs.

Is there a graduate student organization?
Yes. The History Graduate Student Association (HGSA) is an active part of student life and involves students across all fields of study. The HGSA also has representation on the Department's Graduate Studies Committee and the Tulane Graduate Studies Student Association.

Does Tulane provide any graduate housing?
Tulane does not have any graduate housing on its uptown campus. It does, however, operate a building of apartment units for graduate and professional students downtown called Deming Pavilion. You can find resources and information on rentals on the Off-Campus Housing website.