Newsletter: November 2021 - Celebrating Changemakers

School of Liberal Arts faculty recognized for being awesome.

Wave Center Executive Board

Putting Research Into Practice

Economics graduate student Jonathan Ogawa works to turn his research into advocacy with the Wave Center for Policy and Enterprise.

Prof Fader Service Learning course

Lighting for the People

Students in Sean Fader's class practice reshaping narratives through a photography project with Ashé Cultural Arts Center.

Prof Loveless - Language course

The Power of Language

From graphic novels to telecollaboration, a look inside learning Portuguese practically with Professor Megwen Loveless.

PhD student Theodore Hilton

Analyzing Environmental Equity

Doctoral anthropology candidate Theodore Hilton has received a prestigious award from the National Academies’ Gulf Research Program.

Upcoming Event

Journeys Through the Russian Empire:
The Photographic Legacy of Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky
by William Brumfield

Join us for an interdisciplinary symposium where scholars Dan E. Davidson, Brian Horowitz, Nadieszda Kizenko and Andrew Wachtel will discuss the most recent book by Professor William Brumfield.
Remarks by the author and reception to follow.

3pm  •  Wednesday, November 17, 2021 •  Diboll Gallery, The Commons, 3rd Floor

Homecoming '21

Homecoming Week '21

Thank you to everyone who stopped by the School of Liberal Arts tailgate tent for a bite and a conversation before the game on Saturday. We can’t wait to see you next year!




Tulane University School of Liberal Arts
Tulane School of Liberal Arts

102 Newcomb Hall • New Orleans, LA 70118