J.E. Land Fund for School of Liberal Arts Graduate Student Travel

Description: The School of Liberal Arts is pleased to help support graduate education with the J.E. Land Fund for Graduate Education. The fund provides travel support for advanced SLA graduate students who have been invited to attend professional conferences to present their work in the form of invited papers, lectures, and presentations.

Eligibility: The J.E. Land Fund is intended for advanced graduate students, Ph.D. candidates (ABD) who have completed all their coursework and exams, or final year MFA students. Only current ABDs or students in the last year of their MFA program are eligible to apply.

Amount: Travel support will be up to $1500 per student, per year and can support registration, coach travel, and accommodations. Students may only receive one award, for one conference event, per calendar year. Students who have received two Land Fund Awards in the past are ineligible.

Application Requirements: Students will need to apply for support via the online form below. The application requires the following information:

  • A max two-page document that includes:
    • A description of the conference, the presentation, its significance to your professional career
    • a detailed, itemized budget.
    • a list of any other funding support applied for or received with the dollar amount (Land Fund money should augment funds received from other sources including the GSSA and, if possible, the home graduate program).
  • a copy of the letter of invitation or acceptance (if not available at the time of application, please indicate anticipated decision date. Reimbursement of expenses will be contingent upon receiving this confirmation)
  • current CV
  • evidence, in the form of a letter from your dissertation chair or your program’s director of graduate studies, confirming your status as a Ph.D. Candidate (ABD) or your final year of the MFA program.

Deadlines. Applications will be accepted three times per year:

  • July 1 for travel in the fall semester (September through December)
  • October 1 for travel in the spring semester (January through April)
  • March 1 for travel in summer (May through August)

Late applications will not be accepted.

Program of Study
Previous receipt of Land Funds

Supporting documents required - Please upload, as a single PDF labelled as <StudentName_Land_Date>, the following items (in order):

  • Current CV
  • The letter of invitation or acceptance. If not available at the time of application, please indicate anticipated decision date. Reimbursement of expenses will be contingent upon receiving this confirmation) 
  • Brief letter from the dissertation chair or the director of graduate studies, confirming your statis as a Ph.D. Candidate (ABD) or that you are in the last year of an MFA program. 
One file only.
4 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf.