Restless Blood: Frans Blom, Explorer and Maya Archaeologist

Author(s): Tore Leifer, Jesper Nielsen, and Toke Sellner Reunert
Date: 2017
Cost: $41.99 (includes domestic shipping)
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Frans Blom (1893-1963) was among the last great Maya explorers and did pioneering work at major sites such as Palenque, Tonina, and Uxmal. Blom's story is one of great success and terrible downfall, torn as he was between his eminent intuition and his all too restless blood.
Published by Precolumbia Mesoweb Press in cooperation with MARI.
Softcover, 316 pages, 107 b&w and color illustrations
ISBN 0-985931-74-4
Indians of Southern Mexico
Author(s): Frederick Starr
Date: 1899
Cost: $950.00 (includes domestic shipping)
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M.A.R.I. has a small number of copies of this rare book. Often found on the rare book market for nearly $1,500, M.A.R.I. is pleased to offer these books at a significant discount. These books were purchased by M.A.R.I.'s second director, Frans Blom, in the 1920's and are part of the limited first edition printing of only 560 copies. They have remained in our inventory ever since.
Each copy is hand-numbered and signed by the author. The books have their original wrapping and are in excellent condition.
Cloth. 32 pp., 141 full-page plates. Original wraps. Chicago.
Temple of the Night Sun: A Royal Tomb at El Diablo, Guatemala

Author(s): Stephen Houston, Sarah Newman, Edwin Roman, and Thomas Garrison
Date: 2015
Cost: $22.00 (includes domestic shipping)
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Maya kings led opulent lives and, in death, lay in spectacular tombs. This book, illustrated with over 350 photographs and graphics in full color, publishes a royal crypt found in 2010 at El Zotz, Guatemala. Covered by a temple with celestial symbols, the tomb proved unusually rich. The main body belonged to the likely founder of a dynasty in the fourth century AD. The treasure with him included effigy ceramics, jade masks, regalia, textiles, objects of decayed wood, straw mats, necklaces, and paint cakes of specular hematite. For companions he had sacrificed infants and children, some decapitated, who were then burned and placed in bowls. Above, his temple displayed stucco effigies highlighting the sun at night, conceived to be jaguar-like and powdered with stars. Built to house a dead king, the temple continued for a century or more as a dynastic memorial, visible for miles. During its heyday, red paint blazed at sunrise and sunset, a sign of daily renewal for the dead king and testimony to a powerful story of dynastic origin and survival. This volume reports in detail on the excavation of the tomb, as clarified by numerous drawings, photographs, and technical studies by renowned experts. Temple of the Night Sun stands as one of the most important and revealing accounts of royal interment in the New World.
Precolumbia Mesoweb Press, 288 p.
ISBN 0-982133-39-1
Maya Archaeology I

Author(s): Charles Golden, Stephen Houston, and Joel Skidmore
Date: 2009
Cost: $20.00 (includes domestic shipping)
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High Resolution Documentation of the Murals of San Bartolo, Guatemala
William Saturno
Strontium Isotopic Identification of an Early Classic Migrant to Punta de Chimino, Guatemala
Lori E. Wright and Bruce R. Bachand
Communal and Personal Hunting Shrines Around Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
Linda A. Brown
The Discovery of Plan de Ayutla, Mexico
Luis Alberto Martos López
Painted Lithic Artifacts from Piedras Negras, Guatemala
Zachary X. Hruby and Gene Ware
The Womb of the World: The Cuauhxicalli and Other Offering Bowls of Ancient and Contemporary Mesoamerica
Karl Taube
Precolumbia Mesoweb Press, 112 p.
ISBN 0-982133-31-6
Introducción a la Arqueología de Copán, Honduras

Author(s): Claude F. Baudez (Editor)
Date: 1983
Cost: $50.00
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Final report of the Proyecto Arqueológico Copán, Phase I, 1977-1979, directed by Claude F. Baudez.
Volume I
Habitat, ancient and modern subsistence and agriculture, survey and excavations in the Copán Valley, ceramics, burials, and lithic artifacts
Volume II
Excavations in the Great Plaza and sculptures of Structures 10L-2 and 10L-4
Volume III
Map of the Copán Valley
Published by the Proyecto Arqueológico Copán, Secretaría de Estado en el Despacho de Cultura y Turismo, Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
Cloth. 3 vols. 1252 pp., illustrations, maps.
LC 84-188161
The Bricker Almanac: A Festschrift in Honor of Harvey and Victoria Bricker (CD)

Author(s): Gabrielle Vail, Timothy Knowlton, and Marcus Eberl (Editors)
Date: 2007
Cost: $10.00
Purchase Here: MARI Store