MARI Publications

Many of our early publications are out of print. However, some sections of these books may be available as reprints. Please see below for details about individual publications.

Publication Series

Tribes and Temples

Publication 1, Tribes and Temples: A Record of the Expedition to Middle America Conducted by the Tulane University of Louisiana in 1925

Author(s): Frans Blom & Oliver La Farge
Date: 1926

A narrative of the authors' expedition into Mesoamerica based on their daily journals. It includes a study by Blom of the geography and archaeology of the Maya area, and La Farge's desription of the customs and language of the present-day Maya. Volume 1 takes them from New Orleans to Veracruz and the Mexican Gulf Coast, including the first account of the Olmec site of La Venta, and then through Chiapas and Palenque. Volume 2 starts in Chiapas and takes the authors through the Tzetzal area and into the Chuchuimatanes, Guatemala.

2 volumes; 551 pages; 374 figures.
ISBN 0-939238-02-0

The Ethnobotany of the Maya

Publication 2, The Ethnobotany of the Maya

Author(s): Ralph L. Roys
Date: 1931

A transcript, translation, and study of Maya medical cures recorded in documents written in the Maya language, but in European script, shortly after the Conquest (Libro del Judío).

359 pp; paper.
ISBN 0-939238-03-9

The Year Bearer's People

Publication 3, The Year Bearer's People

Author(s): Oliver La Farge II & Douglas Byers
Date: 1931

Detailed study of the daily life and ceremonies of the Jacalteca Indians of the Guatemala highlands.

380 pages; 79 figures., 2 color plates.
ISBN 0-939238-04-7

Middle American Papers

Publication 4, Middle American Papers

Author(s): Multiple Authors
Date: 1932
*very limited inventory*
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  1. A Reconnaissance of Certain Mounds and Relic in Spanish Honduras. R. A. Steinmayer.
  2. Some Observations on Indian Mounds, Idols, and Pottery in the Lower Papaloapan Basin, State of Vera Cruz, Mexico. Albert Weyerstall.
  3. The Stylistic History of the Maya Hieroglyphs. Hermann Beyer.
  4. Mayan Hieroglyphs: Some Tun Signs. Hermann Beyer.
  5. An Ahau Date with a Katun and a Katun Ending Glyph. Hermann Beyer.
  6. Correlation of the Maya Venus Calendar. Juan Martínez Hernández.
  7. Maya-Christian Synchronology or Calendrical Correlation. Enrique Juan Palacios.
  8. Dermatoglyphics in Indians of Southern Mexico and Central America (Santa Eulalia, Tzeltal, Lacandon and Maya Tribes). Harold Cummins.
  9. Some Spanish Entradas, 1524-1695. Doris Zemurray Stone.
  10. Fray Alonso Ponce in Yucatán, 1588. Ernest Noyes.
  11. War and Weapons of the Maya. Prescott H. F. Follett.
  12. Stamping: A Mass-production Printing Method 2000 Years Old. Maurice Ries.
  13. The Maya Ball-game Pok-ta-pok (Called Tlachtli by the Aztec). Frans Blom.
  14. Commerce, Trade and Monetary Units of the Maya. Frans Blom.
  15. The Negative Batter at Uxmal. Frans Blom.

556 pages; figures.
ISBN 0-939238-05-5

Studies in Middle America

Publication 5, Studies in Middle America

Author(s): Multiple Authors
Date: 1934
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  1. A Maya Skull from the Uloa Valley, Republic of Honduras. Historical Background by Frans Blom. Notes on the Teeth by S. S. Grosjean. Comments on the Skull by Harold Cummins. 24 pages; 15 figures.
  2. Dermatoglyphics and Functional Lateral Dominance in Mexican Indians (Mayas and Tarahumaras). Stella M. Leche. 21 pages.
  3. Sololá: A Guatemalan Town and Cakchiquel Market-Center. Webster McBryde. 107 pages.
  4. Shell Ornament Sets from the Huasteca, Mexico. Hermann Beyer. 62 pages.
  5. Manuscripts in the Department of Middle American Research. Arthur E. Gropp. 81 pages.
  6. The Relation of the Synodical Month and Eclipses to the Maya Correlation Problem. Hermann Beyer. 21 pages.
  7. Mexican Bone Rattles. Hermann Beyer. 33 pages; 16 figures.
  8. War of the Castes: Indian Uprisings in Chiapas, 1867-70 (as told by Cristobal Molina). Ernest Noyes and Dolores Morgadanes. 49 pages.

Paperback; 401 pages; illustrated.
ISBN 0-939238-06-3

Guatemala Textiles

Publication 6, Guatemala Textiles

Author(s): Lilly de Jongh Osborne
Date: 1935

In addition to describing the native clothing of men and women, and the customs and symbols associated with them, this volume also discusses the techniques involved in the weaving and dyeing of the textiles.

110 pages.
ISBN 0-939238-07-1

Measures of Men

Publication 7, Measures of Men

Author(s): Multiple Authors
Date: 1936
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Harold Cummins, Mary Steele Lane, Stella M. Leche, Ruth Millar, Inez D. Steggerda, and Morris Steggerda.

Ten specialized studies in physical anthropology in Mexico, Central America, and the West Indies. All of the studies concern dermatoglyphics.

331 pages.
ISBN 0-939238-08-X

Masters in Marble

Publication 8, Masters in Marble

Author(s): Doris Z. Stone
Date: 1938

A study of vase types from the Uloa Valley, Honduras.

70 pages; illustrations.
ISBN 0-939238-09-8

An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Northwestern Honduras

Publication 9, An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Northwestern Honduras: A Report of the Work of the Tulane University-Danish National Museum Expedition to Central America

Author(s): Jens Yde
Date: 1938

The regions involved in this survey include Tegucigalpa, Comayagua, Yojoa, Copán and the upper ChamelecÛn, and the lower ChamelecÛn and Ula Rivers. There is a discussion of the pottery from Jaral and Siguatepeque and an index of archaeological sites in Honduras.

101 pages; illustrations.
ISBN 0-939238-10-1

Guide to Libraries and Archives

Publication 10, Guide to Libraries and Archives in Central America and the West Indies, Panama, Bermuda, and British Guiana

Author(s): Arthur E. Gropp
Date: 1941
Out of Print - See reprints available below

Lists information about the libraries and archives and provides information on private libraries, bookbinding, book selling, and printing in these countries and colonies.

  1. Costa Rica
  2. Cuba. 58 pp. $15.00 Purchase Here: MARI Store
  3. Dominican Republic
  4. France: Colonies. 24 pp. $15.00 Purchase Here: MARI Store
  5. Great Britain: Colonies
  6. Guatemala
  7. Haiti. 16 pp. $15.00 Purchase Here: MARI Store
  8. Honduras. 23 pp. $15.00 Purchase Here: MARI Store
  9. Nicaragua. 22 p. $15.00 Purchase Here: MARI Store
  10. Panama. 19 pp. $15.00 Purchase Here: MARI Store
  11. Salvador
  12. U.S. Territories. 54 pp. $15.00 Purchase Here: MARI Store

721 pages.
ISBN 0-939238-11-X

Philological and Documentary Studies, Volume I

Publication 11, Philological and Documentary Studies, Volume I

Author(s): Multiple Authors
Date: 1948
*limited inventory*
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  1. Loan-Words in Ancient Mexico. Benjamin Lee Whorf. 1943; 14 pages.
  2. Pitfalls and Stimuli in the Interpretation of History through Loan Words. J. Eric S. Thompson. 1943; 10 pages.
  3. Experiments with Rubber in Mexico, 1785-1798. S. K. Lowe and Maurice Ries. 1944; 85 pages.
  4. The Spanish Word Jícara: A Word History. Lawrence B. Kiddle. 1944; 39 pages.
  5. Rafael Landívar's Rusticatio Mexicana [Mexican Country Scenes]. Graydon W. Regenos. The Latin text and English prose translation of an eighteenth-century poem describing life in Mexico and Guatemala. 1948; 156 pages.

314 pages.
ISBN 0-939238-12-8

Philological and Documentary Studies, Volume II

Publication 12, Philological and Documentary Studies, Volume II

Author(s): Multiple Authors
Date: 1977
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  1. Palaeographic Guide for Spanish Manuscripts, Fifteenth-Seventeenth Centuries: Roman Numerals. S. K. Lowe. 1943; 12 pages.
  2. Ordenanza del Señor Cuauhtemoc: Paleografía, Traducción, y Noticia Introductoria. Silvia Rendón. 1952; 26 pages; 4 plates.
  3. The Hasinai Indians of East Texas as Seen by Europeans, 1687-1772. William Joyce Griffith. 1954; 128 pages.
  4. An Interpretation of Bishop Diego de Landa's Maya Alphabet. Marshall E. Durbin. 1969; 8 pages.
  5. The Identification of Lienzo A: A Tracing in the Latin American Library of Tulane University. Ross Parmenter. 1970; 14 pages.
  6. The Personal Archive of Francisco Morazán. William J. Griffith. 1977; 90 pages.

286 pages.
ISBN 0-939238-13-6

Physical Anthropology of a Mexican Population in Texas

Publication 13, Physical Anthropology of a Mexican Population in Texas: A Study in Race-Mixture

Author(s): Arthur Randolph Kelly
Date: 1947
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Using morphological measurements taken from 336 prisoners in Texas, this study attempts to "determine their racial affiliations with parent Indian and Spanish stocks." Given the high degree of Spanish admixture into Indian stock, this study also looks at morphological trends that result from such mixture.

118 pages; 12 figures; 104 tables.
ISBN 0-939238-15-2

Excavations at Zacualpa, Guatemala

Publication 14, Excavations at Zacualpa, Guatemala

Author(s): Robert Wauchope
Date: 1948
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The report for the Carnegie Institution of Washington on Wauchope's excavations during two months of 1935-36 in the Department of Quiche. Included in this volume are the reports on the pottery, in collaboration with Edith B. Ricketson, and on the artifacts, by A.V. Kidder.

192 pages; 79 figures; 25 plates.
ISBN 0-939238-16-0

Middle American Research Records, Volume I

Publication 15, Middle American Research Records, Volume I

Author(s): Multiple Authors
Date: 1951
*very limited inventory*
Purchase Here: MARI Store

  1. Early Textiles from Chiapas, Mexico. Lila M. O'Neale. 1942; 7 pages.
  2. Notes on the Age of the Cieneguilla Cave Textile from Chiapas. Robert Wauchope. 1942; 2 pages.
  3. Notes on Some Spindle Whorls from Quelepa, El Salvador. John M. Longyear, III. 1942; 3 pages.
  4. Painted Stucco Heads from Louisville, British Honduras. Thomas Gann. 1943; 4 pages.
  5. Report on El Salvador Clays. Kenneth E. Smith and Thomas B. Crumpler. 1943; 6 pages.
  6. Dermatoglyphics and Functional Lateral Dominance in Mexican Indians. V. The Zinancantecs, Huixtecs , Amatenangos and Finca Tzeltals. Stella M. Leche, Harley N. Gould, and Dixie Tharp. 1944; 63 pages.
  7. An Incised Maya Inscription in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Hermann Beyer. 1945.
  8. The Maya Hieroglyph Chicchan Derivative. Hermann Beyer. 1945; 2 pages.
  9. Anthropometry of the Chol Indians of Chiapas, Mexico. Harley N. Gould. 1946.
  10. Surface Collection at Chiche, Guatemala. Robert Wauchope. 1948.
  11. Preliminary Notes on an Archaeological Survey of the Chiapas Coast. Philip Drucker. 1948.
  12. A Recent Attempt at Educational Cooperation between the United States and Guatemala. William J. Griffith. 1949. 22 pages.
  13. Aspects of Land Tenure and Economics in a Mexican Village. Oscar Lewis. 1949.
  14. A Tentative Sequence of Pre-Classic Ceramics in Middle America. Robert Wauchope. 1950. 40 pages.
  15. Modern Pottery of Riotenco San Lorenzo, Cuauhtitlan. Silvia Rendón. 1950. 18 pages.
  16. Notes on Present-Day Pottery Making and Its Economy in the Ancient Chorotegan Area. Doris Stone. 1950. 12 pages.

>280 pages.
ISBN 0-939238-17-9

The Culture of Security in San Carlos

Publication 16, The Culture of Security in San Carlos: A Study of a Guatemalan Community of Indians and Ladinos

Author(s): John Gillin
Date: 1951
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A study of the social and political culture of the Guatemalan community. John Gillin takes the cultural interplay between the community's two caste, the Ladinos and Indians, and their environment to discuss the sources of psychological security or, in some cases, stress.

128 pages.
ISBN 0-939238-18-7

Synoptic Studies of Mexican Culture

Publication 17, Synoptic Studies of Mexican Culture

Author(s): Multiple Authors
Date: 1957
*very limited inventory*
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  1. Tarascan Folk Religion. Pedro Carrasco. 1953; 64 pages.
  2. Directed Culture Change in Nayarit, Mexico: Analysis of a Pilot Project in Basic Education. Glen Fisher. 1953; 112 pages.
  3. The Mexican Bajío in the Eighteenth Century: An Analysis of Cultural Integration. Eric R. Wolf. 1955; 24 pages.
  4. A Triangulation on the Culture of Mexico. Munro S. Edmonson. Synthetic analysis of Mexican culture, based on the three preceding studies. 1957; 41 pages.

240 pages.
ISBN 0-939238-19-5

Middle American Research Records, Volume II

Publication 18, Middle American Research Records, Volume II

Author(s): Multiple Authors
Date: 1961
*limited inventory*
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  1. Notes and Comments on "Duck Pots" from Guatemala. Stephan F. de Borhegyi. 1952; 16 pages; 11 figures.
  2. Implications of Radiocarbon Dates from Middle and South America. Robert Wauchope. 1954.
  3. A Chronological Ordering of the Mesoamerican Pre-Classic. John L. Sorenson. 1955; 30 pages.
  4. Archaeological Remains from the Cintalapa Region, Chiapas, Mexico. Arden R. King. 1955; 31 pages; 20 figures.
  5. Hemispheric Security Reconsidered. Philip B. Taylor, Jr. 1957; 37 pages.
  6. Pre-Columbian Cultural Connections between Mesoamerica and Ecuador. Stephan F. de Borhegyi. 1959.
  7. Pre-Columbian Cultural Connections between Mesoamerica and Ecuador: Addenda. Stephan F. de Borhegyi. 1959; 8 pages; 4 figures.
  8. A Developmental Concept of Pre-Spanish Urbanization in the Valley of Mexico. William J. Mayer-Oakes. 1960.

>175 pages.
ISBN 0-939238-20-9

Nativism and Syncretism

Publication 19, Nativism and Syncretism

Author(s): Multiple Authors
Date: 1960
Out of Print - See reprints available below

  1. Maya Paganism and Christianity: A History of the Fusion of Two Religions. Donald E. Thompson. 1954. 35 pp.
  2. El Espíritu del Mal en Guatemala: Ensayo de Semántica Cultural. Gustavo Correa. 1955. 68 pp. $15.00 Purchase Here: MARI Store
  3. Christo-Paganism: A Study of Mexican Religious Syncretism. William Madsen. 1957. 74 pp.
  4. Nativism, Syncretism, and Anthropological Science. Munro S. Edmonson. 1960. 24 pp. $15.00 Purchase Here: MARI Store

204 pages.
ISBN 0-939238-21-7

Ceramic Sequence at Uaxactun, Guatemala

Publication 20, Ceramic Sequence at Uaxactun, Guatemala

Author(s): Robert E. Smith
Date: 1955

This two-volume work presents the first comprehensive description and analysis of the archaeological ceramics recovered at a Maya site. The Uaxactun pottery was excavated by a Carnegie Institute of Washington expedition between 1926 and 1937.

Volume I contains chapters on the stratigraphic context of the excavated lots; the important diagnostics of the Mamom, Chicanel, Matzanel, Tzakol, and Tepeu phases; ceramic wares; decoration; types of design; mortuary, cache, and specialized vessels; the dating of ceramics by stelae; and analyses of the pottery by phase. Volume II contains 86 full-page illustrations, mostly drawings of the ceramics.

2 volumes; 388 pages.
ISBN 0-939238-22-5

A Study in Government: Guatemala

Publication 21, A Study in Government: Guatemala

Author(s): K. H. Silvert
Date: 1954

Part I explains National and Local Government between the Revolution of 1944 and 1953. Part II is the English translation of all State Constitutions between 1823 and 1945.

2 volumes; 240 pages (100 and 140 pages).
ISBN 0-939238-23-3

Studies in Middle American Anthropology

Publication 22, Studies in Middle American Anthropology

Author(s): Multiple Authors
Date: 1976
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  1. Contemporary Pottery Techniques in Southern and Central Mexico. George M. Foster. 1955; 48 pages.
  2. The Extent of Dominance of Tenochtitlan during the Reign of Mocteuczoma Ilhuicamina. H. Barry Holt. 1975; 13 pages; 1 figure; 5 tables.
  3. A Critical Analysis of Yuri Knorozov's Decipherment of the Maya Hieroglyphics. Arthur Andrew Demarest. 1976; 11 pages; 3 figures.
  4. A Re-evaluation of the Archaeological Sequences of Preclassic Chiapas. Arthur Andrew Demarest. 1976; 32 pages; 5 figures; 1 table.

107 pages.
ISBN 0-939238-24-1

Applied Enlightenment

Publication 23, Applied Enlightenment: 19th Century Liberalism, 1800-1839

Author(s): Multiple Authors
Date: 1972
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  1. The Livingston Codes in the Guatemalan Crisis of 1837-1838. Mario Rodriguez. 1955; 32 pages.
  2. Las Luces y la Civilización: The Social Reforms of Mariano Gálvez. Miriam Williford. 1969; 9 pages.
  3. Social Revolution in Guatemala: The Carrera Revolt. Ralph Lee Woodward, Jr. 1971; 36 pages.
  4. Attitudes toward Foreign Colonization: The Evolution of Nineteenth-Century Guatemalan Immigration Policy. William J. Griffith. 1972; 38 pages.

110 pages.
ISBN 0-939238-25-X

Community Culture and National Change

Publication 24, Community Culture and National Change

Author(s): Multiple Authors
Date: 1972
Purchase Here: MARI Store

  1. Political Changes in Guatemalan Indian Communities. Richard N. Adams. 1957.
  2. Chinautla, a Guatemalan Indian Community: A Study in the Relationship of Community Culture and National Change. Ruben E. Reina. 1960.
  3. Political Modernization in Three Guatemalan Indian Communities. Roland H. Ebel. 1969; 77 pages; 3 figures.
  4. The Change of Officials in Tzo'ontahal, Chiapas, Mexico. June Nash. 1970; 42 pages.
  5. Popular Medicine in Puntarenas, Costa Rica: Urban and Societal Features. Miles Richardson and Barbara Bode. 1971; 26 pages.

275 pages.
ISBN 0-939238-26-8

Contemporary Latin American Culture

Publication 25, Contemporary Latin American Culture

Author(s): Multiple Authors
Date: 1968
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  1. Los Manitos: A Study of Institutional Values. Munro S. Edmonson. 1957.
  2. The Mexican Truck Driver. Munro S. Edmonson. 1959; 16 pages.
  3. A Study of Change in Mexican Folk Medicine. Claudia Madsen. 1965; 49 pages.
  4. Courtship and Marriage in Zinacantan, Mexico. Jane Fishburne Collier. 1968; 62 pages.

201 pages.
ISBN 0-939238-27-6

Archaeological Studies in Middle America

Publication 26, Archaeological Studies in Middle America

Author(s): Multiple Authors
Date: 1970
Out of Print - See reprints available below

  1. A Revision of Some Dates on the Hieroglyphic Stairway, Copan, Honduras. E. Wyllys Andrews IV. 1958.
  2. The 819-Day Count and Color-Direction Symbolism among the Classic Maya. Heinrich Berlin and David H. Kelley. 1961. $10.00 Purchase Here: MARI Store
  3. Maya Settlement Patterns: A Critical Review. William A. Haviland. 1966; 26 pages. $3.00 Purchase Here: MARI Store
  4. Toltec Influence on the Postclassic Culture History of Highland Guatemala. Robert M. Carmack. 1968; 44 pages. $6.00 Purchase Here: MARI Store
  5. Ancient Lowland Maya Social Organization. William A. Haviland. 1968; 25 pages.
  6. Archaeological Reconnaissance of Chinkultic, Chiapas, Mexico. Stephan F. de Borhegyi. 1968; 16 pages; 18 figures. $3.00 Purchase Here: MARI Store
  7. The Tablet of the 96 Glyphs at Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico. Heinrich Berlin. 1968; 15 pages; 2 figures. $3.00 Purchase Here: MARI Store
  8. The Stela Platform at Uxmal, Yucatan, Mexico. Sylvanus G. Morley. Edited with notes by H. E. D. Pollock. 1970; 30 pages; 23 figures. $7.00 Purchase Here: MARI Store
  9. The Open Chapel of Dzibilchaltun, Yucatan. William J. Folan. 1970; 19 pages; 11 figures. $4.00 Purchase Here: MARI Store

194 pages.
ISBN 0-939238-28-4

The Native Theatre in Middle America

Publication 27, The Native Theatre in Middle America

Author(s): Multiple Authors
Date: 1961
Out of Print - See reprints available below

  1. La Loa en Guatemala: Contribución al Estudio del Teatro Popular Hispano-americano. Gustavo Correa and Calvin Cannon. 1958. 96 pp. $12.00
  2. Texto de un Baile de Diablos. Gustavo Correa. 1958. 8 pp. $2.00
  3. The Calderonian Auto Sacramental. El Gran Teatro del Mundo: An Edition and Translation of a Nahuatl Version. William A. Hunter. 1960. 98 pp. $12.00
  4. The Dance of the Conquest in Guatemala. Barbara Bode. 1961; 96 pages; 5 figures; 1 musical score. $12.00

298 pages.
ISBN 0-939238-29-2

Middle American Research Records, Volume III

Publication 28, Middle American Research Records, Volume III

Author(s): Multiple Authors
Date: 1967
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  1. Ten Years of Middle American Archaeology: Annotated Bibliography and News Summary, 1948-1957. Robert Wauchope. 1961. 106 pp.
  2. Recent Monument Worship in Lowland Guatemala. Robert Ritzenthaler. 1963. 9 pp.
  3. A Late Preclassic Village in Santa Rosa, Guatemala. Michael D. Coe. 1963. 8 pp.
  4. Maya Ceramic Varieties, Types, and Wares at Uaxactun: Supplement to "Ceramic Sequence at Uaxactun, Guatemala." Robert E. Smith and James C. Gifford. 1966. 49 pp.
  5. Pottery Jars from the Loma del Tacuazin, El Salvador. Stanley H. Boggs. 1966. 10 pp.

185 pages.
ISBN 0-939238-30-6

Studies in Middle American Economics

Publication 29, Studies in Middle American Economics

Author(s): Multiple Authors
Date: 1968
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  1. Impact of the United Fruit Company on the Economic Development of Guatemala, 1946-1954. Richard Allen LaBarge. 1960; 72 pages; 4 charts; 21 tables.
  2. Maudslay's Central America: A Strategic View in 1887. Wayne M. Clegern.1962; 21 pages; 2 maps.
  3. Zamora: A Regional Economy in Mexico. Oriol Pi-Sunyer. 1967; 85 pages.

180 pages.
ISBN 0-939238-32-2

Quiche-English Dictionary

Publication 30, Quiche-English Dictionary (1976 Reprint)

Author(s): Munro S. Edmonson
Date: 1965
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Edmonson used about 40 sources for this dictionary of about 16,800 listings, ranging from the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries. Most entries were checked with Quiche and Kaqchikel speakers. The listings of roots include estimates of "the minimal extension of the use of the root in space and time."

168 pages. (Reprint Edition, 1976)
ISBN 0-939238-33-0

Archaeological Investigations on the Yucatan Peninsula

Publication 31, Archaeological Investigations on the Yucatan Peninsula

Author(s): Multiple Authors
Date: 1975
Out of Print - See reprints available below

  1. Explorations in the Gruta de Chac, Yucatan, Mexico. E. Wyllys Andrews IV. 1965; 21 pages. $4.00
  2. Progress Report on the 1960-1964 Field Seasons, National Geographic Society-Tulane University Dzibilchaltun Program. E. Wyllys Andrews IV. 1965; 44 pages; 11 figures; 5 tables. $6.00
  3. The Ruins of Ikil, Yucatan, Mexico. E. Wyllys Andrews IV and George E. Stuart. 1968; 12 pages; 8 figures. $4.00
  4. Archaeological Evidence on Social Stratification and Commerce in the Northern Maya Lowlands: Two Masons' Tool Kits from Muna and Dzibilchaltun, Yucatan. E. Wyllys Andrews IV and Irwin Rovner. 1973; 21 pages; 11 figures.$4.00
  5. Preliminary Reports on Archaeological Investigations in the Rio Bec Area, Campeche, Mexico. Contributions by Joseph W. Ball, Jack D. Eaton, David F. Potter, Irwin Rovner, Prentice M. Thomas, Jr., Ingolf Vogeler, and David L. Webster; Compiled by Richard E. W. Adams. 1974; 42 pages. Out of Print
  6. Excavation of an Early Shell Midden on Isla Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico. E. Wyllys Andrews IV, Michael P. Simmons, Elizabeth S.Wing, E. Wyllys Andrews V, and Joann M. Andrews. 1974; 50 pages; 22 figures; 2 tables. $7.00
  7. Human Skeletal Remains from Dzibilchaltun, Yucatan, Mexico, with a Review of Cranial Deformity Types in the Maya Region. T. Dale Stewart. 1974; 26 pages; 10 figures; 4 tables.$4.00
  8. The Polychrome Pottery of Dzibilchaltun, Yucatan, Mexico: Typology and Archaeological Context. Joseph W. Ball and E. Wyllys Andrews V. 1975; 20 pages; 2 tables. $4.00

247 pages.
ISBN 0-939238-35-7

Balankanche, Throne of the Tiger Priest

Publication 32, Balankanche, Throne of the Tiger Priest

Author(s): E. Wyllys Andrews IV
Date: 1970

Archaeological discoveries in a Yucatan cave, with transcription and translation of modern Maya ritual celebrated therein. Small 33 rpm record included.

196 pages; 60 figures; 2 color plates; 33 rpm record.
ISBN 0-939238-36-5

Archaeological Explorations in El Peten, Guatemala

Publication 33, Archaeological Explorations in El Peten, Guatemala

Author(s): Ian Graham
Date: 1967
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Graham's exploration in El Peten in 1960, 1961, and 1962 provide the first detailed information about Aguateca, Kinal, Mirador, Nakbe, and Machaquila, and reported two stelae at Seibal. The report includes site descriptions, site maps, and photographs and drawings of many new hieroglyphic monuments. Graham noted the distinctive assemblages of mounds and the absence of inscribed monuments at Mirador and Nakbe, in the Mirador Basin, suggesting that the builders were not Classic Maya.

107 pages; 81 figures.
ISBN 0-939238-37-3

The Archaeological Use and Distribution of Mollusca

Publication 34, The Archaeological Use and Distribution of Mollusca in the Maya Lowlands

Author(s): E. Wyllys Andrews IV
Date: 1969
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A report of 15,000 specimens arranged by family and genus from 18 Maya sites. Includes a discussion of specific archaeological contexts and interpretations of the use of Mollusca. The report presents fresh data from the Middle American Research Institute excavations at Dzibilchaltun.

115 pages; 6 figures; 21 plates.
ISBN 0-939238-38-1

The Book of Counsel

Publication 35, The Book of Counsel: The Popol Vuh of the Quiche Maya of Guatemala (1977 reprint)

Author(s): Munro S. Edmonson
Date: 1971

The Quiche text with a new English translation, plus introduction.

273 pages (Reprint Edition, 1977)
ISBN 0-939238-40-3

Viaje de Perico Ligero al País de Los Moros

Publication 36, Viaje de Perico Ligero al País de Los Moros: A Critical Edition of Antonio López Matoso's Unpublished Diary, 1816-1820

Author(s): James C. Tatum
Date: 1972
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Antonio López Matoso was a prominent member of Mexican society during the early nineteenth century. Convicted as a revolutionary, he was exiled to Havana in 1816 and did not return to Mexico City until 1820. His diary is the account of his journey from Mexico and of his exile in Havana.

114 pages; 21 figures.
ISBN 0-939238-41-1

Coban and the Verapaz: History and Cultural Process

Publication 37, Coban and the Verapaz: History and Cultural Process in Northern Guatemala

Author(s): Arden R. King
Date: 1974
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Arden King studies the culture of Coban, the capital of the Department of Alta Verapaz, where the indigenous community was able to retain its traditional ways despite being heavily influenced by the Ladino minority and other Europeans, principally the Germans. Emphasizing the history of the region, the study focuses on the persistence of traditional ways despite changes in cultural patterns introduced by Ladino-German groups.

283 pages; 6 figures; 215 tables; 54 tabulations.
ISBN 0-939238-42-X

Prehistoric Lowland Maya Community and Social Organization

Publication 38, Prehistoric Lowland Maya Community and Social Organization: A Case Study at Dzibilchaltun, Yucatan, Mexico

Author(s): Edward B. Kurjack
Date: 1974
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Using settlement pattern and architectural distribution data from Dzibilchaltun recovered during the 1957-1965 Tulane project, Kurjack attempts to show that Classic Maya society in the Northern Lowlands was more complex than previously thought. The map of Dziilchaltun is published separately (Publication 47).

105 pages; 28 figures; 15 tables.
ISBN 0-939238-43-8

Zacualpa, El Quiche, Guatemala

Publication 39, Zacualpa, El Quiche, Guatemala: An Ancient Provincial Center of the Highland Maya

Author(s): Robert Wauchope
Date: 1975
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In 1947, Wauchope returned to Zacualpa to investigate issues that arose druing his 1935-36 excavations (see Publication 14). The bulk of this report is devoted to the ceramics, which span the Protoclassic through the Protohistoric.

xix+303 pages; 213 figures; 53 tables; 35 tabulations, 2 charts.
ISBN 0-939238-44-6

A Preliminary Study of the Ruins of Xcaret

Publication 40, A Preliminary Study of the Ruins of Xcaret, Quintana Roo, Mexico, with Notes on Other Archaeological Remains on the Central East Coast of the Yucatan Peninsula

Author(s): E. Wyllys Andrews IV & Anthony P. Andrews
Date: 1975
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Originally worked on by Loring M. Hewen and E. Wyllys Andrews IV and then later by Anthony P. Andrews, the site of Xcaret is found on the central coast of Quintana Roo. The first part of this volume is a description of the artifact and architectural remains. The second part consists of brief descriptions of other sites found along the central coast. Includes a site index and bibliography for the East Coast of Quintana Roo.

xii+117 pages; 125 figures.
ISBN 0-939238-45-4

Defensive Earthworks at Becan

Publication 41, Defensive Earthworks at Becan, Campeche, Mexico: Implications for Maya Warfare

Author(s): David L. Webster
Date: 1976
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The excavations of the fortifications at Becan are used to discuss the nature of Maya warfare in the Early Classic and how warfare served as a mechanism for cultural development.

x+134 pages; 111 figures; 2 charts.
ISBN 0-939238-46-2

The Archaeology of Quelepa

Publication 42, The Archaeology of Quelepa, El Salvador

Author(s): E. Wyllys Andrews IV
Date: 1976
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A report of the excavations conducted at this site between 1967 and 1969. Includes descriptions of the architecture, ceramics, lithic finds, and sculpture. Dating primarily to the Classic Period, Quelepa was an important town on the southeastern periphery of Mesoamerica.

xiv+199 pages; 184 figures; 1 table.
ISBN 0-939238-47-0

The Archaeological Ceramics of Becan

Publication 43, The Archaeological Ceramics of Becan, Campeche, Mexico

Author(s): Joseph W. Ball
Date: 1977
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This ceramic sequence for the Rio Bec subregion helps provide a chronological framework for understanding the cultural relationships among the Rio Bec, Chenes, and Puuc subregions, as well as Maya areas to the north and south.

xiv+190 pages; 49 figures; 1 chart.
ISBN 0-939238-48-9

Maya Architecture of the Central Yucatan Peninsula

Publication 44, Maya Architecture of the Central Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

Author(s): David F. Potter
Date: 1977
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A study of the architectural style of Central Yucatan, with an emphasis on the site of Becan, in the Rio Bec subregion. The study illustrates the style of architecture that is unique to this part of the Maya area.

xi+118 pages; 79 figures; 2 tables.
ISBN 0-939238-49-7

Prehistoric Maya Settlement Patterns at Becan

Publication 45, Prehistoric Maya Settlement Patterns at Becan, Campeche, Mexico

Author(s): Prentice M. Thomas, Jr.
Date: 1981
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The site of Becan in the Rio Bec subregion was occupied for about 1600 years. This volume studies the shifts and trends of settlement at the site.

xiv+116 pages; 57 figures; 11 tables; separate portfolio with 23 maps.
ISBN 0-939238-50-0

Studies in the Archaeology of Coastal Yucatan and Campeche

Publication 46, Studies in the Archaeology of Coastal Yucatan and Campeche, Mexico

Author(s): Jack D. Eaton and Joseph W. Ball
Date: 1978
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This report on an archaeological survey along the western and northern coast of Campeche and Yucatan includes a description of the sites, which range from Formative to Decadent-period settlements, and a discussion of the artifacts. Includes Joseph W. Ball's report on the ceramics.

Includes: Archaeological Survey of the Yucatan-Campeche Coast. Jack D. Eaton. x+67 pages; 34 figures; 3 tables.

Archaeological Pottery of the Yucatan-Campeche Coast. Joseph W. Ball. 78 pages; 19 figures; 1 table.

x+146 pages; 53 figures; 4 tables.
ISBN 0-939238-51-9

Map of the Ruins of Dzibilchaltun

Publication 47, Map of the Ruins of Dzibilchaltun, Yucatan, Mexico

Author(s): George E. Stuart et al.
Date: 1979
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Boxed set includes a 17-page introduction by Edward B. Kurjack, 22 maps at 1:2000 covering 19 km2, and 12 maps at 1:1000 covering the central 6 km2 of the site.

22 maps.
ISBN 0-939238-52-7

Excavations at Dzibilchaltun

Publication 48, Excavations at Dzibilchaltun, Yucatan, Mexico

Author(s): E. Wyllys Andrews IV et al.
Date: 1980
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Dzibilchaltun was a large Maya city near the north coast of Yucatan. Although the main occupation was in the Classic period, the zone was inhabited from about 600BC to after the Spanish Conquest. This volume presents the excavations carried out by Tulane University between 1957 and 1965.

xxi+339 pages; 258 figures; 13 tables.
ISBN 0-939238-53-5

The Stucco Decoration and Architectural Assemblage of Structure 1-sub

Publication 49, The Stucco Decoration and Architectural Assemblage of Structure 1-sub, Dzibilchaltun, Yucatan, Mexico

Author(s): Clemency Coggins
Date: 1983
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Structure I-sub, also known as the Temple of the Seven Dolls, dates to about A.D. 700 and is probably one of the earliest vaulted temples built at Dzibilchaltun. This report is a study of the stucco decoration preserved on and fallen from the upper facade of this and other vaulted buildings in the Seven Dolls group. The first half of the report describes the stucco and its iconography. A comparative discussion follows, presenting the local, regional, and wider Mesoamerican context of Structure I-sub. Coggins argues that Dzibilchaltun was a carefully planned cosmic assemblage, comparing it to the contemporaneous twin- pyramid groups at Tikal.

vii+70 pages; 45 figures.
ISBN 0-939238-78-0; LC 83-61021

The Artifacts of Dzibilchaltun

Publication 50, The Artifacts of Dzibilchaltun, Yucatan, Mexico: Shell, Polished Stone, Bone, Wood, and Ceramics

Author(s): Jennifer T. Taschek
Date: 1994
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The 1957-1965 Tulane University excavations at Dzibilchaltun recovered thousands of artifacts of many materials. Most of these objects date to the Late Classic period (Early period II and the Pure Florescent, ca. A.D. 700-1000), when the community of more than 25,000 persons covered 16 km2, but the collection spans the years from 600 B.C. until the arrival of the Spanish. It is the only large excavated collection of artifacts from a northern Maya site to cover this large a part of the prehispanic past.

xiv+304 pages; 61 full pages of artifact illusstrations; map; index.
ISBN 0-939238-80-2, LC 94-4502

A Student in Central America, 1914-1916

Publication 51, A Student in Central America, 1914-1916

Author(s): Dana Gardner Munro
Date: 1983
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Dana Gardner Munro spent his career as a student of Central America. Here, he recounts his experiences of traveling in Central America in the early twentieth century, when he was funded by the Carnegie Peace Foundation for his doctoral dissertation on political troubles in Central America.

xi+75 pages; 9 figures; index.
ISBN 0-939238-77-2, LC 83-60479

The Archaeology of Santa Leticia

Publication 52, The Archaeology of Santa Leticia and the Rise of Maya Civilization

Author(s): Arthur A. Demarest
Date: 1986
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Santa Leticia, a small Late Preclassic site in far western El Salvador, has three monumental sculptures carved in the "potbelly" style. Demarest's excavations in 1977 were intended to provide archaeological context for these important sculptures by developing a ceramic sequence and an understanding of the occupation of the site. The report addresses a range of other problems in the archaeology of the southeastern highlands, including the nature of the Maya frontier, the origins and spread of Usulutan pottery and of complex societies in the Maya highlands, and the presence of the "Olmec" style.

xiii+272 pages; 141 figures; 12 tables; index.
ISBN 0-939238-81-0, LC 84-62189

The Foreign Impact on Lowland Mayan Language and Script

Publication 53, The Foreign Impact on Lowland Mayan Language and Script

Author(s): John S. Justeson et al.
Date: 1985
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The nature of the social interaction between Lowland Maya and foreign groups are made based on the evidence for foreign impact on Lowland Mayan language. In this study, the four linguistic groups that are recognized to have influenced Lowland Mayan language and script are Zapotecan, Mixe-Zoquean, Nahua and Totonacan. Each is discussed in terms of its degree of impact on the Mayan language, the period of its influence, and the nature of the social interaction.

vii+97 pages; 9 figures; 17 tables; index.
ISBN 0-939238-82-9, LC 84-61625

Distribution of Shallow-Water Marine Mollusca

Publication 54, Distribution of Shallow-Water Marine Mollusca, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

Author(s): Harold E. Vokes and Emily H. Vokes
Date: 1983
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A list of species of shallow-water mollusks recovered along the coasts of the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. Includes 50 plates of shell photos and lists of the shells found in each of the seven ecological zones. The 769 species reported from 99 localities include many micromollusca.

viii+183 pages; 9 figures; 50 black-and-white plates; index.
ISBN 0-939238-83-7, LC 83-62103

Archaeological Investigations in the Department of Jutiapa

Publication 55, Archaeological Investigations in the Department of Jutiapa, Guatemala

Author(s): Robert Wauchope & Margaret N. Bond
Date: 1989
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Wauchope's excavations in the southeastern area of Guatemala were undertaken to enhance the understanding of the relationship between sites in El Salvador and the Maya to the north. This volume presents the results of his findings at three sites in the Department of Jutiapa. Margaret N. Bond wrote the ceramic report and the description of the other artifacts that accompanies this volume.

xiii+125 pages; 62 figures; 15 tables; index.
ISBN 0-939238-85-3, LC 89-13171

A Grammar of Mayan Hieroglyphs

Publication 56, A Grammar of Mayan Hieroglyphs

Author(s): Victoria R. Bricker
Date: 1986
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Victoria Bricker's study describes the grammatical structure of the hieroglyphs in the Classic inscriptions and in the Postclassic codices. It focuses on the glyphs that have, primarily, a grammatical function, describing where they are found and how they are used in the texts. The volume contains chapters on the nature of the Mayan script, pronomial inflection, U-allographs and Y-allographs of the third person pronoun, other possible pronominal glyphs, nominal inflection, verbal inflection, and syntactic considerations. It includes a transcription and translation of the back of Stela 3 from Piedras Negras.

xii+214 pages; 218 figures; 28 tables; index.
ISBN 0-939238-86-1, LC 85-60766

Research and Reflections in Archaeology and History

Publication 57, Research and Reflections in Archaeology and History: Essays in Honor of Doris Stone

Author(s): E. Wyllys Andrews V (editor)
Date: 1986
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  1. Snakes, Jaguars, and Outlaws: Some Comments on Central American Archaeology. Ricardo Agurcia Fasquelle.
  2. Olmec Jades from Chacsinkin, Yucatan, and Maya Ceramics from La Venta, Tabasco. E. Wyllys Andrews V.
  3. Appendix: Mineralogical Observations of Early Jades from Chacsinkin, Yucatan. Stephen A. Nelson.
  4. The Mars Table in the Dresden Codex. Victoria R. Bricker and Harvey M. Bricker.
  5. The Olmec Calendar Round. Munro S. Edmonson.
  6. Some Observations on the X'telhu Panels at Yaxcaba, Yucatan. Merle Greene Robertson.
  7. San Juan de Letrán: Colonial Mexico's Royal College for Mestizos. Richard E. Greenleaf.
  8. The Emergence of Writing: Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Indus Civilizations. C. C. Lamberg-Karlovsky.
  9. Central America and the Southwest: A Comparison of Mesoamerica's Two Peripheries. Frederick W. Lange).
  10. The Styles of Aztec Sculpture. Donald Robertson.
  11. The Classic Maya Sociopolitical Order: A Study in Coherence and Instability. Gordon R. Willey.
  12. Doris Stone: The Pathways of a Middle American Scholar. Stephen Williams.
  13. Bibliography of Doris Stone: Her Works from 1930-1984. Stephen Williams.

viii+217 pages; 49 figures; 3 tables; index.
ISBN 0-939238-87-X, LC 85-62925

A Morpheme Concordance of the Book of Chilam Balam of Tizimin

Publication 58, A Morpheme Concordance of the Book of Chilam Balam of Tizimin

Author(s): Victoria R. Bricker
Date: 1990

This is the second MARI concordance of a Book of Chilam Balam. The Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel is also a late eighteenth-century document that contains information about the language and culture of the colonial Yucatec Maya. The text, written in Yucatec, has been broken down by morphemes for the concordance.

viii+638 pages.
ISBN 0-939238-90-X, LC 89-9359

A Morpheme Concordance of the Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel

Publication 59, A Morpheme Concordance of the Book of Chilam Balam of Tizimin

Author(s): Victoria R. Bricker
Date: 1990

The Book of Chilam Balam of Tizimin is a late eighteenth-century document written in Yucatec Maya. With the text segmented into morphemes, a concordance was compiled to provide a reference tool for linguistic and epigraphic research. Contains the whole text in addition to the concordance.

viii+483 pages.
ISBN 0-939238-89-6, LC 89-9360

The Ancient Maya City of Sayil

Publication 60, The Ancient Maya City of Sayil: The Mapping of a Puuc Region Center

Author(s): Jeremy A. Sabloff & Gair Tourtellot
Date: 1991
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This volume, representing the first phase of the 1983-1987 Sayil Project, presents the first extensive and detailed map of human settlements at a large Maya site in the Puuc region of Yucatan. Includes an appendix by Nicholas P. Dunning on soils and settlement in the Sayil valley.

xiv+38 pages; 6 figures; 3 tables; 3 appendices; index; 16 maps; 1 5" diskette (feature database).
ISBN 0-939238-88-8, LC 90-44402

The Codex Tulane

Publication 61, The Codex Tulane

Author(s): Mary Elizabeth Smith & Ross Parmenter
Date: 1991
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The Codex Tulane is a never-before-published Mixtec pictorial manuscript housed in the Latin American Library at Tulane University. Painted in the mid-sixteenth century in vibrant colors on a long rolled strip of glued animal hides, it presents king lists from two towns in the Mixtec-speaking region of southern Puebla. This first publication in color of the entire obverse of the codex, the most handsome in the United States, presents the codex on fourteen overlapping facsimile plates printed by the Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt of Graz, Austria. The commentary includes an introduction, summary, and chapters on the signs and pictorial conventions, pictorial contents, and glosses by Mary Elizabeth Smith. Ross Parmenter's chapter on the acquisition of the codex traces its twentieth-century history up to its acquisition by the Middle American Research Institute in 1932.

x+142 pages; 50 figures; 13 tables, appendices, notes, index, 16 maps, 1 5" diskette (feature database).
ISBN 0-939238-91-8, LC 90-27616

A Concordance to the Inscriptions of Palenque

Publication 62, A Concordance to the Inscriptions of Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico

Author(s): William M. Ringle & Thomas C. Smith-Stark
Date: 1997
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A complete analytical guide to the inscriptions of this important Classic site, this volume also includes a modernization of Thompson's hieroglyphic classification in light of recent epigraphic research.

ix+361 pages; 3 tables; hieroglyphic illustrations.
ISBN 0-939238-93-4, LC 92-12571

Five Hundred Years after Columbus

Publication 63, Five Hundred Years after Columbus: Proceedings of the 47th International Congress of Americanists

Author(s): E. Wyllys Andrews V & Elizabeth O. Mozzillo (editors)
Date: 1994
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The 1991 Congress at Tulane University. Summary reports by organizers on about 110 symposia with 1,200 scholars. Anthropology, archaeology, culture, history, linguistics, and other fields.

293 pages; 3 tables; hieroglyphic illustrations.
ISBN 0-939238-92-6, LC 93-32277

Papers on the Codex Madrid

Publication 64, Papers on the Codex Madrid

Author(s): Victoria R. Bricker & Gabrielle Vail (editors)
Date: 1997
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A commentary on the calendrical structure, iconography, and epigraphy of a continuous sequence of almanacs in the longest of the four remaining Maya codices.

  1. The Structure of Almanacs in the Madrid Codex. V. R. Bricker.
  2. Some Comments on the Madrid Deer-Hunting Almanacs. Christopher L. von Nagy.
  3. The Deer-Trapping Almanacs in the Madrid Codex. G. Vail.
  4. The Roles and Relationships of God M and Other Black Gods in the Codices, with Specific Reference to Pages 50 & 56 of the Madrid Codex. Cassandra R. Bill.
  5. Dating a Section of the Madrid Codex: Astronomical and Iconographic Evidence. Donald H. Graff.
  6. The "Calendar-Round" Almanac in the Madrid Codex. V. R. Bricker.

x+196 pages; 144 figures; 20 tables; hieroglyphic illustrations.
ISBN 0-939238-94-2

Maya Stone Tools of Dzibilchaltún, Yucatán, and Becán and Chicanná

Publication 65, Maya Stone Tools of Dzibilchaltún, Yucatán, and Becán and Chicanná, Campeche

Author(s): Irwin Rovner et al.
Date: 1997

A revision of Rovner's 1975 dissertation on the lithic artifacts of Dzibilchaltún and several Río Bec sites derived from Tulane University excavations from 1957 to 1971. One of the first attempts to elaborate a comprehensive developmental sequence of Maya stone tool types.

xii+188 pages; 37 figures; 57 tables; mostly full-page illustrations of artifacts; appendices with obsidian source data.
ISBN 0-939238-95-0

Quiché Dramas and Divinatory Calendars

Publication 66, Quiché Dramas and Divinatory Calendars

Author(s): Munro S. Edmonson
Date: 1997
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This volume is arranged in three sections. The first is the translation of the Quiché drama, "Zaqi Q'oxol and Cortés: The Conquest of Mexico." Even though this play re-enacts the Spanish conquest of Mexico, the setting is in Guatemala and the Aztecs speak Quiché. The second section is a translation of the drama, "The Bull Dance." Probably originally based on a Spanish play, it has over the years accumulated traits characteristic of Quiché drama to the point that one can now accept this as a Maya drama. The third section is a translation of a Quiché document entitled, "Calendar of the Indians of Guatemala. 1722. Kiché." It consists of a description of the 52-year calendar round and two 260-day almanacs.

vii+171 pages; 2 figures; 4 tables; index.
ISBN 0-939238-96-9

Tekanto, A Maya Town in Colonial Yucatán

Publication 67, Tekanto, A Maya Town in Colonial Yucatán

Author(s): Philip C. Thompson
Date: 1999
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A case study of a colonial Yucatec Maya town, based primarily on cabildo records (Yucatec Maya) and marriage, baptism, and death records (Spanish) of the Catholic church. It reconstructs kinship terminology, distribution of wealth, inheritance patterns, landholding types, relative sizes, sequence, pace, and significance of land alienation, social strata, town endogamy-exogamy, post-marital residence, patrilineage exogamy, compadrazgo, origin and structure of local government (cabildo), sequence of officeholders, underlying patterns of office-holding, and sequence of town headmen (batabob).

xiii+460 pages; 30 figures; 72 tables; 4 maps; 37 appendices; notes; index.
ISBN 0-939238-97-7

An Encounter of Two Worlds

Publication 68, An Encounter of Two Worlds: The Book of Chilam Balam of Kaua

Author(s): Victoria R. Bricker and Helga-Maria Miram (editors and translators)
Date: 2002
Purchase Here: MARI Store

The books of Chilam Balam are early Colonial texts from Yucatan, written in the Mayan language with Spanish characters. They are compendia of knowledge, including accounts of Maya history and mythical history. The volume includes the Maya text, an English translation, and a vast commentary, a basic thesis of which is that the Kaua is an amalgam of New and Old World knowledge, joined by varying historical and scientific circumstances and by existing cultural patterns of thought. 2002.

xviii+548 pages; 77 figures; 32 tables; 3 appendices; index.
ISBN 0-939238-98-5

Painted Books and Indigenous Knowledge

Publication 69, Painted Books and Indigenous Knowledge: Manuscript Studies in Honor of Mary Elizabeth Smith

Author(s): Multiple Authors
Date: 2005
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The volume, an homage to Mary Elizabeth Smith, contains twenty-five essays that focus on the art and intellectual culture of ancient Mesoamerica as that culture is revealed primarily in painted books or "codices" of the native tradition. The authors explore aspects of indigenous knowledge, such as religion and ritual, calendrical systems, rulership, and spatial and historical reckoning. Cultures treated include the Toltecs, as well as the Aztecs, Mixtecs, Zapotecs, and Maya in the Pre-Columbian and colonial periods.

ISBN 939238-99-3

The Artifacts of a Royal Residence

Publication 70, The Artifacts of a Royal Residence: Group 10L-2, Copan, Honduras

Author(s): William F. Doonan
Date: 2010
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One in a series of research reports from the Copan Acropolis Archaeological Project (PAAC), Tulane University Excavations discussing the results of analyses conducted on chipped stone, groundstone, fired clay objects, and obsidian prismatic blades recovered by the Tulane University excavations of Group 10L-2 from 1990 to 1994.

ISBN 0-9842028-0-3

The Frederick S. Crocker Collection

Publication 71, The Frederick S. Crocker Collection

Author(s): Robert Hill II
Date: 2015
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This collection includes 34 giclée copies of Frederick S. Crocker's original watercolor paintings of the traditional clothing worn in 31 highland Maya communities. The collection also includes a catalog containing Crocker's introduction to the collection and his notes on each community's distinct clothing. Learn more about the Frederick S. Crocker Collection.

ISBN 0-9842028-1-2

City, Craft, and Residence in Mesoamerica

Publication 72, City, Craft, and Residence in Mesoamerica: Research Papers Presented in Honor of Dan M. Healan

Author(s): Ronald K. Faulseit, Nezahualcoyotl Xiuhtecutli, and Haley Holt Mehta (editors)
Date: 2018
Purchase Here: MARI Store

This timely volume explores the everyday lives of ancient Mesoamerican people from the Formative through the Postclassic. In honor of Dan Healan, who devoted his life’s work to this theme, several notable scholars present novel research to reconstruct how households produced and exchanged goods; how they carried out private and public rituals; how they built their residences and neighborhoods; organized their towns and cities; earned a living; observed the stars; and even fomented resistance within the powerful Maya, Aztec, Tarascan, Toltec, and Zapotec states.

XV+259 pages; 121 figures; 26 tables; index.
ISBN 978-0-9842028-2-9

Archaeological Reconnaissance in Eastern Campeche, Mexico

Publication 73, Archaeological Reconnaissance in Eastern Campeche, Mexico: Chactun, Tamchen, and Lagunita

Author(s): Ivan Šprajc (editor)
Date: 2021
Purchase Here: MARI Store

This edited volume summarizes recent research and archaeological investigations at the Maya sites of Chactun, Tamchen, and Lagunita, Campeche, Mexico, located in an area previously little-known to researchers. Situated between the Chenes architectural region to the north, and the Río Bec region to the south, this intermediate zone shares many features of the surrounding areas, but there is also evidence that suggests affinities with more distant regions. Data from aerial photographs and lidar mapping reveal a densely occupied and highly modified landscape. The volume includes site descriptions, a discussion of the zoomorphic façade at Lagunita, an analysis of the sites’ ceramics, documentation of stelae and altars, and examination of a possible ceremonial offering. The book features extensive photos and illustrations, including 28 beautiful color plates.

XVIII+146 pages; 5 maps; 169 figures; 1 table; appendices; index.
ISBN 978-0-9718878-0-0


Occasional Papers

Pronominal Inflection in the Mayan Languages

Occasional Paper 1, Pronominal Inflection in the Mayan Languages 1977

Author(s): Victoria Reifler Bricker
Date: 1977
Purchase Here: MARI Store

28 pp., 2 figs., 9 tables.
ISBN 0-939238-54-3

Lithic Artifacts from a Complex Society

Occasional Paper 2, Lithic Artifacts from a Complex Society: The Chipped Stone Tools of Becan, Campeche, Mexico

Author(s): James B. Stoltman
Date: 1978
Purchase Here: MARI Store

30 pp., 5 figs., 5 tables.

Preclassic Architecture at Becan

Occasional Paper 3, Preclassic Architecture at Becan, Campeche, Mexico

Author(s): Joseph W. Ball & E. Wyllys Andrews V
Date: 1978

17 pp., 11 figs.
ISBN 0-939238-55-1

Aspects of the Mixteca-Puebla Style

Occasional Paper 4, Aspects of the Mixteca-Puebla Style and Mixtec and Central Mexican Culture in Southern Mesoamerica: Papers from a Symposium Organized by Doris Stone

Author(s): Multiple Authors
Date: 1982
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Contributions by John Paddock, Donald L. Brockington, Donald Robertson, Robert Chadwick, James R. Ramsey, Jacinto Quirarte, & Doris Stone.

76 pp., 44 figs., 2 tables.
ISBN 0-939238-75-6, LC 82-82023

The Woody Vegetation of Dzibilchaltun

Occasional Paper 5, The Woody Vegetation of Dzibilchaltun, a Maya Archaeological Site in Northwest Yucatan, Mexico

Author(s): Multiple Authors
Date: 1982
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Authors: Leonard B. Thien, Anne S. Bradburn, and Arthur L. Welden, with an Annotated Checklist of Plants by Anne S. Bradburn & Steven P. Darwin

76 pp., 44 figs., 2 tables.
ISBN 0-939238-75-6, LC 82-82023


Miscellaneous Series

Guide to Museum Gallery

Miscellaneous Series 1, Guide to Museum Gallery of the Middle American Research Institute

Author(s): Robert Wauchope
Date: 1943

23 pp.
ISBN 0-939238-56-X

Extracts from Report to the President, 1946

Miscellaneous Series 2, Extracts from Report to the President of Tulane University

Author(s): Robert Wauchope
Date: 1946

23 pp.
ISBN 0-939238-57-8

Illustrated Guide to Museum Gallery

Miscellaneous Series 3, Illustrated Guide to Museum Gallery

Author(s): Robert Wauchope
Date: 1945

40 pp.
ISBN 0-939238-58-6

Extracts from Report to the President, 1947

Miscellaneous Series 4, Extracts from Report to the President of Tulane University

Author(s): Robert Wauchope
Date: 1947

76 pp., 44 figs., 2 tables.
ISBN 0-939238-75-6, LC 82-82023

Administrative Papers: Copies Relating to New Spain

Miscellaneous Series, Administrative Papers: Copies Relating to New Spain- A Collection of Manuscripts in the Middle American Research Institute

Author(s): Marie Hunter Irvine
Date: 1948

28 pp.
ISBN 0-939238-60-8

Extracts from Report to the President, 1949

Miscellaneous Series 6, Extracts from Report to the President of Tulane University

Author(s): Robert Wauchope
Date: 1949

31 pp.
ISBN 0-939238-61-6

Extracts from Report to the President, 1951

Miscellaneous Series 7, Extracts from Report to the President of Tulane University

Author(s): Robert Wauchope
Date: 1951

5 pp.
ISBN 0-939238-62-4

Exhibit of Native American Arts and Crafts

Miscellaneous Series 8, Exhibit of Native American Arts and Crafts

Author(s): Robert Wauchope & Arden R. King
Date: 1953

16 pp.
ISBN 0-939238-63-2

Extracts from Report to the President, 1953

Miscellaneous Series 9, Extracts from Report to the President of Tulane University

Author(s): Robert Wauchope
Date: 1953

47 pp.
ISBN 0-939238-64-0

Multi-Discipline Area Research

Miscellaneous Series 10, Multi-Discipline Area Research. Extracts from Reports to the President of Tulane University

Author(s): Robert Wauchope
Date: 1957
*very limited inventory*
Purchase Here: MARI Store

54 pp.
ISBN 0-939238-65-9

Preliminary Report on the 1959-1960 Field Season

Miscellaneous Series 11, Preliminary Report on the 1959-1960 Field Season, National Geographic Society-Tulane University Dzibilchaltun Program

Author(s): E. Wyllys Andrews IV
Date: 1961

44 pp.
ISBN 0-939238-66-7

Activities of the Middle American Research Institute

Miscellaneous Series 12, Activities of the Middle American Research Institute, 1957-1967

Author(s): Robert Wauchope
Date: 1968

73 pp.
ISBN 0-939238-67-5

Guide to Exhibit Gallery, 1977

Miscellaneous Series 13, Guide to Exhibit Gallery of the Middle American Research Institute, Tulane University

Author(s): Marjorie S. Zengel
Date: 1977

31 pp.
ISBN 0-939238-68-3

Catalog for an Exhibit of Mexican Textiles

Miscellaneous Series 14, Catalog for an Exhibit of Mexican Textiles from the Middle American Research Institute

Author(s): Alejandro de Ávila Blomberg
Date: 1980
*limited inventory*
Purchase Here: MARI Store

41 pp., 31 figs.
ISBN 0-939238-69-1

Guide to the Exhibit Gallery, 1984

Miscellaneous Series 15, Guide to the Exhibit Gallery of the Middle American Research Institute, Tulane University

Author(s): Marjorie S. Zengel
Date: 1984
*very limited inventory*
Purchase Here: MARI Store

34 pp., 7 figs.
ISBN 0-939238-84-5, LC 84-60293

Pursuing Detail: 1930 Tulane's Expedition to Uxmal

Miscellaneous Series 16, Pursuing Detail: 1930 Tulane's Expedition to Uxmal

Author(s): Laura Gilabert-Sansalvador, Riccardo Montuori & Sara Tankersley
Date: 2022

39 pp.
ISBN 978-0-9718878-1-7



Callender I. Fayssoux Collection of William Walker Parker Papers

No. 1, Callender I. Fayssoux Collection of William Walker Parker Papers

Date: 1937

Calendar of the Yucatecan Letters, 1778-1863

No. 2, Calendar of the Yucatecan Letters, 1778-1863

Date: 1939

240 pp. Mimeographed.

Maps in the Frederick L. Hoffman Collection

No. 3, Maps in the Frederick L. Hoffman Collection

Date: 1939

146 pp. Mimeographed

Maps in the Library of the Middle American Research Institute

No. 4, Maps in the Library of the Middle American Research Institute

Date: 1941