Graduate Student Resources

School of Liberal Arts Graduate Studies

The Department of Anthropology Graduate Program is housed in the School of Liberal Arts. You can find SLA Academic Policies and Procedures, Graduate Assistant Support, and Graduate Student Forms on the Graduate Resources page.


The Tulane Anthropology Student Association (TASA) is the graduate student organization whose year-long representatives serve as liaisons between the anthropology faculty and graduate students. TASA representatives also attend Graduate School Student Association (GSSA) as well as Graduate and Professional School Association (GAPSA) meetings and participate in the decisions made by these overarching Tulane graduate student organizations.

Department of Anthropology Graduate Research Funds

Graduate students are eligible to apply for research funds through the Department of Anthropology. Priority is given to students conducting pilot studies for their dissertation and in locations outside Latin America. The deadline for applying for these funds is March 15.

Tulane School of Liberal Arts Grants and Fellowships

Other Tulane Resources

External Fellowships and Grants for Anthropologists

Scholarly Societies

Scholarly societies and associations offer ample opportunities for graduate student involvement. Consider submitting a paper for a graduate prize, applying for research funding, or serving as a graduate student representative.

American Anthropological Association and its sections and interest groups

American Association of Biological Anthropologists

Society for American Archaeology

Anthropology Career Readiness Network

National Association for the Practice of Anthropology