A specialist in nineteenth-century French art, Marilyn Brown has published essays in Art Bulletin, Art in America, Art Journal, Arts Magazine, Burlington Magazine, CAA.Reviews, Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide, Nineteenth-Century French Studies, Studies in the History of Art, Woman’s Art Journal, and various exhibition catalogues and encyclopedias. She is author of Degas and the Business of Art: A Cotton Office in New Orleans (Penn State Press/CAA Monograph, 1994), Gypsies and Other Bohemians: The Myth of the Artist in Nineteenth-Century France (UMI Research Press, Avant-Garde Series, 1985), and editor of, and contributor to, Picturing Children: Constructions of Childhood Between Rousseau and Freud (Ashgate Press, London, 2002). She received the Interdisciplinary Nineteenth Century Studies Prize and the Nineteenth Century Studies Association Prize for “’Miss La La’s’ Teeth: Reflections on Degas and ‘Race’,” Art Bulletin(Dec. 2007). Recent and current projects include: “Yet Another Look at the Bar: Manet, Duranty, and the Double View,” in Perspectives on Manet, ed. Therese Dolan (Surrey, U.K.: Ashgate Press, 2012); “Vagabonds, chiffonniers, saltimbanques, et autres marginaux,” for Réunion des Musées Nationaux, Les Bohèmes: Léonard de Vinci à Picasso (Paris: Grand Palais, 2012); “El Mito del Artista Bohemio,” in Luces de Bohemia: Artistas, Gitanos y la definición del mundo moderno (Madrid: Fundación Mapfre, 2013). Her new book is The “Gamin de Paris” in Nineteenth-Century Visual Culture: Delacroix, Hugo and the French Social Imaginary (New York and London: Routledge, 2017). Her forthcoming chapter “Degas’s New Orleanian Spaces,” will appear in “Sweet Spots: In-Between Spaces in New Orleans, Teresa A. Toulouse and Barbara C. Ewell, eds., University Press of Mississippi, 2018.