Tulane University, New Orleans, LA
November 10 – 12, 2016
In the spirit of the tradition forged by the late Andrew Ladis and his colleagues at the University of Georgia, an international congress of Trecento specialists will congregate at Tulane University to share their research formally and informally in New Orleans, LA. Scholars of all ages and stages will present specific art historical problems, issues, and ideas that focus on the arts of Italy during “the long fourteenth century” (late Dugento through early Quattrocento).
The keynote speaker at the Tulane conference will be Marvin Trachtenberg, Edith Kitzmiller Professor of the History of Fine Arts at the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University. Thanks to the generous support of the Kress Foundation and other benefactors, we will not be charging any registration fees for this conference. Participants will be responsible for securing their own transportation and lodgings. More information, including options for lodgings, will be posted soon on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/LadisTrecentoConference/) as well as on this Tulane webpage.
Conference registration will be on Eventbrite beginning May 1: (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/andrew-ladis-trecento-conference-tickets-20459979349)
This will be the inaugural Andrew Ladis Memorial Trecento Conference and we are very excited! The plan is for the conference to be held every other year, with a new venue and host institution each time. The 2nd conference will be hosted by the University of Houston in Houston, TX, in Fall 2018.
Conference Program (download pdf)
Accommodation Information (download pdf)
We have learned that a large medical conference is taking place in New Orleans the same weekend as the conference. For this reason, hotels have not been willing to block rooms for us, so we are not able to offer a single conference hotel option.
The sessions will take place on Tulane's campus, which is in a residential neighborhood several miles from the tourist and business hub of the city. Only one hotel, the Park View Guest House, is within walking distance of campus. That is a fine option, although it is far from the French Quarter and most sights, and there are fewer restaurant options nearby. We assume most participants will want to stay in the Central Business District or French Quarter area, and we plan to run a shuttle from that part of town to campus and back. Public transportation does exist in New Orleans but it is not terribly reliable for arriving somewhere on time.
Because of the competing medical conference, we urge you to make your hotel reservations as soon as possible. New Orleans hotels fill up and/or become very expensive on these weekends. Sites like booking.com and airbandb.com are good places to look for accommodations. We also encourage you to contact your fellow participants if you wish to save money by sharing hotel rooms or apartment rentals.
New Orleans Local Guide (download pdf)
[updated November 4, 2016]